It’s bookfair in Frankfurt again – a perfect moment to post a selection of my 2019 #metroreading pictures. In total, I have hundreds now – and I’m surprised how maniac I became about taking them. And although I’m now only from time to time in New York, you might find some more on my Instagram. „Metroreading 2019“ weiterlesen
Flying beauties
At the end of my last stay in New York I luckily found the time for a short walk through Battery Park where an old man was feeding his feathered friends…
Wir haben es endlich geschafft, die neuen Unterwasserwelten im Naturkundemuseum Karlsruhe und die momentane Sonderausstellung „Wale – Riesen der Meere“ zu besuchen. Sehr lohnend. Und ein Protipp von Eltern für Eltern, falls die Kinder nicht mitwollen: Man darf durchaus ohne rein und es macht auch Spaß „Naturkundiges“ weiterlesen
The Betthupferlbild story
People who follow me on Twitter or Instagram might have seen it: An evening post with a picture that I call #Betthupferlbild. I try to take one a day for a while, so I thought it is interesting to tell a bit about. „The Betthupferlbild story“ weiterlesen