In the yard and beyond

Did I mention that we live in the countryside? I did, I’m sure. If not, you will notice when visiting this blog regulary. It affects slidely the way I see the world – beside some travels 😉

To avoid posting everyday a new article when seeing this or that on my walk with the dog or just in the yard, I decided to update this one article. Hope this is fine with you. „In the yard and beyond“ weiterlesen


I finally did it, I launched my blog.Lissy1_sw Hope it will be some fun. For you. For me – I’m sure. Just want to show you some pics,  let you join my hopping between Dorf and world. Maybe share some thoughts about This and That. Sometimes in English, manchmal auf Deutsch. Depends on the complexity…

Ah, may I introduce to you: Frollein Hund!

Oh, I should introduce myself, too. I’m Richard. Richard Zinken.