Time to share some impressions of my small London world between Euston Road (where my hotel is located) and the Macmillan offices in Crinan street.
Well, some of my beloved colleagues will blame me on staying in a kind of noble hotel, but I have to stand that. The truth is: Yes, that’s the view from the hotel, at least from the hotel corridor.

The view from my room is a little bit less spectacular

But let’s change to the office. It’s in an old store house beside the canal. So with some luck you have a quite soothing view
But what I like the most is the white horse in the so called „Refectory“
But let’s go back to the hotel, during daytime. Passing by King’s cross. Passing by means, taking an HDR picture during daytime…
… and having one or two after work beer with the colleagues. So that it is nighttime when leaving the Betjeman Arms Pub.
And nighttime is the best time to get the „Hogwarts“ impression of St. Pancras.
Very nice tour RZ:)
Your photos speak for themselves, as always.
And you speak in Rätseln, Heidi, as… 😉